Cactus Kev's Poker Table #5

This table shows the frequency counts and percentages
of each type of five card poker hand, when playing with
a non-standard, five-suited deck of 65 cards.

Five Card Poker Hands
(using a five-suited deck)

13 0.0002% Five of a Kind
50 0.0006% Straight Flush
3,900 0.0472% Four of a Kind
15,600 0.1889% Full House
6,385 0.0773% Flush
24,815 0.3004% Straight
214,500 2.5969% Three of a Kind
429,000 5.1938% Two Pair
3,575,000 43.2815% One Pair
3,990,625 48.3133% High Card
8,259,888 100% TOTAL

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